Allow Yourself To Be Pulled in Business & Life
Shirt & Shoes Not Required
We’ve been traditionally taught to—and praised for—“pushing harder”, “pushing yourself”, “push your limits”, being a “go-getter”, “warrior”, “fighter” and so on.
Isn’t that suspicious? It is to me!
Why to push would be a better idea than to be pulled, if pushing requires more resources, effort and energy? Uh?
Why oh why to make it harder!?
How in the world someone dares to say is “better” (compared to what?) to go against the path of least resistance?
Isn’t it peace and love what everyone says the world needs? Instead of war and fights? Then, which is the world that needs more warriors & fighters?
I could get into the ode to suffering engrained in the collective consciousness (most likely thanks to religion), but the point is not to find who started the fire, but acknowledging it doesn’t make any sense to keep adding fuel to it!
NOTE: I consider business as part of «life» but I’m naming them separate in the sake of the people who feel more comfortable making the distinction. You know, in the name on inclusion, oneness, “and stuff” (as my teenage son would say).
I quit drama many years ago—in June 2009 to be precise—but I dragged many of my old beliefs for a while after that though, and it took me some time to adopt a philosophy of Easiness and Flow (drama & easiness are not bff)
It was kind of weird to allow for things to flow without resistance, obstacles, and difficulty.
But little by little, it started to make more vibrational sense to allow my desires to pull me—call me, invite me—from the non-physical world and through the energy of excitement, instead of me (my mind, actually) pushing—forcing, harassing—my ideas into physicality.
Maybe you want to read that again? ??????
Does this make sense to you?
Think about the smile of that person you met at your cousin’s birthday party on Friday… It makes you giggle just to think about it. You invite her/him for a drink the following week, and you realized before saying good bye that you had butterflies in your stomach. Oh la la…
The following Saturday night you two went to a movie, then dinner and then you found yourself wanting more time together, more fascinating conversations, more than just a good night kiss. You felt more and more pulled into a relationship, you were not pushing anything… and then… youraised in love! (or fell in, as you please)…
Forcing yourself to like someone (is that even possible?) just because is convenient, or you belong to a family where arranged marriages are common (does that still exist, geez!), or you start dating just because you feel you reach “that age” where you are the only single one among your friends, and you feel alienated.
Can you see the difference?
Allowing to be sucked (pulled) into love (I’ll mention business in a moment) will always feel more awesome, fulfilling, happy and joyful, than to force (push) a relationship.
What about business? Isn’t that a “different” realm? Well, it can. But it doesn’t have to.
Either if you’re an employee or an entrepreneur, I bet you can relate to those projects that seem to exist just to make your life miserable. No matter how hard you try (or push…) it seems nothing works out, at least for a decent period of time. But you keep forcing things because, you know… try harder.
Those projects you feel so excited about then and they’re flowing through you in such a way, you swear you’re receiving help from angels. You work until late at night, wake up early, you are tired AND you don’t want to stop.
You mainly work in stream of consciousness; ideas flow; plans change at perfect timing; people, synchronicities and resources show up in perfection… and you feel pulled by your excitement.
Ok, maybe I’m polarizing a little in the sake of making it evident enough. But most surely you get what I mean.
But There’s a Trick
Two, indeed (there had to be at least one, right?) and one is included in the headline of this post… did you get it? It’s a verb.
Allowing — According to the dictionary, allow means:
- admit (an event or activity) as legal or acceptable.
- give the necessary time or opportunity for.
It’s pretty clear then we’re not talking about control, power, dominance, limitation, restriction or anything like it. Nope. Quite the opposite.
The other trick is Trust. Well, is easy to get to the conclusion if you’re going to allow “something” to happen you need to trust is going to be something benevolent and well intended, otherwise you wouldn’t… allow it, right?
Let’s say these practices of releasing the control and trusting are… “a little” challenging for some people, to say the least.
But let me tell you… once you’ve tasted the sweet flavor of allowing yourself to be pulled by your own higher guidance, you will never again prefer to push anything/anyone, and you’ll enjoy the delicious feeling of being pulled by your excitement, while your soul whispers ideas, directions and guidance to your ears.
And you can only get to know a flavor by tasting it, by experiencing it. So the only way will be for you to give it a try. Maybe start with something easyfor you, as allowing yourself to be pulled by your excitement regarding the clothes you’re going to wear, the food you’ll eat or the name of the new project, instead of choosing out of inertia or judgements.
You couldn’t be in better hands than your own Higher Self hands. Give yourSelf a chance to prove it to you.
© 2024 Dynamic Creations Associates, Inc.